Upcoming tours and events:
Sunday, March 23rd -
Green Brass Tour
Meet at 37645 2nd St. Niles (Fremont) 8:00 a.m. RSVP required with Rob Caldeira at rob@robertcaldeira.com.
Saturday, April 26 -
Trains in Portola Valley/Running Board Lunch. More details later
Saturday, May 10th -
SCVMTFC Potluck & General Meeting at the Alens's residence
May's general meeting will be combined with a potluck at Nancy and Lynn Alens's residence in Campbell from Noon - 2:00 PM. Bring a dish to share, finger foods or entrees. We are limited to three salad dishes. RSVP by May 3rd to Nikkie Gulko at scvmtc@gmail.com or 408 644 6098 (Dan's cell, leave message) so we can have seating arrangements set up. Dessert, water, utensils and paper plates will be provided. See flyer attached.
For additional tours or non-club events, go to Future Events page